• Fortune 500 Leaked Credentials Analysis - VeriClouds


Fortune 500 companies are the backbone of our economy. They employ over 27 million people. VeriClouds research team investigated the leaked online account credentials belonging to the employees of the 2017 Fortune 500 companies where an email address was used to set up an account. The number of leaked online accounts is considered a cyber security risk.

The data used in the research was accumulated over the past 3 years and represents the largest available data repository of over 8 billion stolen credentials.

The report investigates the leaked online account credentials of the Fortune 500 companies and shows:

  • The number and percentage of leaked online account credentials across at the Fortune 500 companies.
  • The top three economy sectors with the highest percentage of leaked credentials.
  • The economy sector with the largest number of leaked online account credentials.
  • The top three industries with the largest percentage of weak, compromised accounts.
  • The trend in leaked online accounts between 2016 and 2017.
  • The top three economy sectors with the largest decrease of leaked online credentials between 2016 and 2017.
  • The top three economy sectors with the largest increase of leaked online credentials between 2016 and 2017.

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